In a world that has seen unprecedented challenges and restrictions due to the global pandemic, the opportunity for international experiences has become a rarity. However, Techbank Software recently embarked on a unique venture by having a visit from its customer, M company. 

Vietnam is a stronghold for system development in our customers’ strategies.  Our customer has used the Offshore BOT service at Techbank to support the development of their software product in Japan and for the Japanese market. Presently, following nearly 2 years of partnership with M company, Techabnk Software has successfully established a team of 10 members to cater to its client, including Java developers and Japanese speaking BrSE. Moreover, Techbank has also extended support in constructing a Japanese-speaking Technical Support Officer in Vietnam, acknowledged for its commendable contribution to the expansion of company’’s business operations in Japan.

In May of this year, our client dispatched Mr. Kurata, Project Manager of the company, to Vietnam to facilitate direct interaction with the team members in Vietnam, with the aim of enhancing the coordination between the IT teams in Vietnam and Japan for more effective collaboration.

Discovering a Dynamic and Friendly Working Environment:

For Kurata, the first impression of Techbank Software’s office in Vietnam was one of warmth and dynamism. Coming from Japan, where work environments are often characterized by a more reserved atmosphere, Kurata was pleasantly surprised by the open and friendly nature of his Vietnamese colleagues. The vibrant energy in the office created an atmosphere conducive to innovation and collaboration. 

A Glimpse into Vietnam’s Promising Future:

During his two-week secondment, Kurata couldn’t help but notice the immense potential that Vietnam holds for technological development. The country’s young and talented workforce left a lasting impression on him, highlighting their capabilities and their drive to push boundaries. 

A Journey Beyond Work:

As his first visit to Vietnam, he found himself captivated by the city’s rich history, vibrant culture, and culinary delights. Although his time was limited, he made the most of it, eager to experience as much as possible. One of the highlights of Kurata’s journey was his visit to the world-renowned Bat Trang village, where he had the unique opportunity to try his hand at pottery. 

In addition to his professional endeavors, Kurata savored the exquisite flavors of Vietnamese cuisine. From the delicate balance of flavors in a bowl of pho to the enticing aromas of freshly brewed Vietnamese coffee, every culinary experience left an indelible impression on his taste buds. 

Beyond the culinary delights, Kurata eagerly delved into Vietnam’s rich cultural heritage. Exploring the historic streets of Hanoi, he marveled at the fusion of traditional Vietnamese architecture and French colonial influences. Kurata also took the time to visit renowned landmarks such as the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum and the Temple of Literature, further immersing himself in the captivating history and culture of Vietnam.

The Power of Global Teamwork and Collaboration:

Kurata’s secondment to Vietnam epitomizes Techbank Software’s commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. By bridging the gap between Japan and Vietnam, Techbank Software promotes cross-cultural collaboration and knowledge exchange. Kurata’s experiences serve as a testament to the transformative impact of international assignments, which not only enrich the individuals involved but also strengthen the collective capabilities of the organization.

The Efficiency of Utilizing Vietnamese Resources for Business Expansion in Japan:

Vietnam is gradually catching up with the trend, emerging as a potential and developing market, particularly in the field of technology. Leveraging and penetrating the Vietnamese market is a wise move for current businesses. 

In terms of Techbank Software, the company provides Offshore B-O-T services to support overseas clients in directly recruiting skilled engineers and high-quality human resources in Vietnam through direct hiring, including:

  • Introducing quality personnel in IT departments and bilingual IT support, including help desk, technical support, and project coordinators 
  • Offering a cohesive and professional working environment at Techbank Software’s office in Vietnam.
  • Providing assistance with labor regulations and salary policies for employees in Vietnam.
  • Supporting training according to the client’s requirements.

Benefits of using Techbank’s Offshore-BOT service:

  • Cost optimization by leveraging the Vietnamese workforce.
  • Diverse resource selection for different departments to promptly meet expanding business needs.
  • Zero initial setup cost in Vietnam; expenses only incur when the recruited positions begin working.

If you are interested in directly utilizing human resources in Vietnam for your IT projects, aiming to meet the expanding business needs in the local market, please contact Techbank Software Vietnam for more details.

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